
Morrison Student_Family Handbook 19-20

School Hours

Parent Visitation

Absence and Lateness

Breakfast & Lunch Program

Inclement Weather

Emergency Dismissal

Uniform Policy

School Hours

School begins at 8:30 AM for grades K-8.

Dismissal time is staggered beginning at 3:09 PM.

**Students are not allowed in school before 8:30 AM, when breakfast will begin in classrooms. There are no teachers or staff to supervise students.**

**No early dismissal after 2:30 PM.**

K-1:  dismissed in SMALL YARD

2-3: dismissed in YARD

Rooms 201-204: dismissed in YARD (Girls’ Side)

Rooms 205-217: dismissed  out 4th Street Doors (New Tower)

Rooms 301-315: dismissed out Fire Tower to Duncannon Avenue

Parent Visitation

Parents are encouraged to visit Morrison School; however, please follow these guidelines before visiting.

1.    Send a note to your child’s teacher requesting a time for an appointment.

2.    Report directly to the school office to receive a visitor’s pass. No parent or guest is permitted to go directly to the classroom.

Absence and Lateness

Regular attendance insures the continuity of the educational program essential for growth. Students are considered late if they arrive after 8:30 A.M. If your child is absent or sent to school late, it is the responsibility of the parent to notify the teacher in writing of the reason. It is also the responsibility of the child to make up any missed work during the absence.

 **Absent notes must be sent in within 3 days of the student’s absence and must comply with school district absent policy in order to be considered an excused absence.**

Students with more that 3 absences or lateness in a report period will receive warning notices and will become part of our MTSS.  If no improvement is noted, they are referred to the Attendance Officer in the Central Administration office.

** It is the responsibility of the parent / guardian to make sure their child is present by 8:30 A.M. everyday.**

Excessive lateness will result in lunch detention, after-school detention, or parental conference with school administration.

Excessive absence can result in having to repeat a grade.

Breakfast & Lunch Program


At Morrison School, students are eligible to receive a free breakfast. Breakfast will be served in the classrooms


Noontime aides supervise our lunch program.

**Cans or Bottles of Soda are not permitted.**

10:30–11:15; grades 5 and 8
11:15–12:00; grades 4 and 7
12:00–12:45; grades K – 2
12:45–1:30 ; grades 3 and 6

Students are expected to follow rules and demonstrate respect for each other and for the adults in charge. This is encouraged while eating lunch and during recess.

Inclement Weather

On rainy days or very cold days, parents are advised not to send their children to school until a few minutes before the 8:30 am arrival time. No child will be permitted to enter our building before 8:30 am.

Parents are asked to make sure that children are dressed appropriately for the weather. Unless it is raining or extremely cold (below freezing), children have recess outdoors.

In case of severe weather conditions, which may necessitate the closing of schools, please listen to radio or T.V. alerts concerning “All Philadelphia Public Schools.” The Philadelphia snow emergency number is 100. In the event of an early closing of schools, we must know where your child can go if you are not home. A form will be sent home early in the school year. Any child who does not return this form will be sent directly home during an emergency dismissal.

**School Information Hotline: 215-400-INFO (4636)**

School Messenger

We have a communication system that we will use to send messages to families via phone calls.  When you see the Morrison’s school number come up on your phone, it may be a message from our School Messenger for you about school changes. It is important that we have a working phone number for you at all times so that you receive messages being sent from Morrison.  Please update your phone number with the school secretary and/or child’s teacher as your number changes.

Emergency Dismissal

Whenever it becomes necessary to excuse a child during the school day, a parent or responsible adult, 18 years of age or older, must pick up the child. Parents must come with proper identification before a child is excused. For safety reasons children cannot be excused alone or released to an older sibling. This is a firm policy of the School District of Philadelphia.

Uniform Policy

All Philadelphia School students are required to wear their school’s uniform. At Morrison, students are required to wear khaki pants or skirts.

Grades K-5

Plain, solid navy-blue collared shirts, khaki or tan pants, skirts, or jumpers, and black belts.  Absolutely no jeans or shirts or jackets over uniform shirts.

The Morrison School elementary (k-5) polo

The Morrison School elementary (k-5) t-shirt

Grades 6-8

Plain, solid maroon or burgundy collared shirts, khaki or tan pants, skirts, or jumpers, and black belts.  Absolutely no jeans or shirts or jackets over uniform shirts.

**No hoodies are allowed inside the building.**

Students who are cold may wear a navy-blue sweater without a hood over their navy or maroon collared shirt as an acceptable part of their uniform.

The Morrison School middle years (grades 6-8) maroon polo

The Morrison School middle years (grades 6-8) t-shirt

Gym uniforms for K-5

School gym t-shirt or

Plain, solid navy-blue t-shirt

Navy-blue sweatpants (Absolutely no shorts or ball shorts)

The Morrison School navy sweatpants

Gym uniforms for 6-8

School gym t-shirt or

Plain, solid Maroon t-shirt

Gray sweatpants are the same price as K-5. (Absolutely no shorts or ball shorts)

The Morrison School gray sweatpants

Uniform Donations are Appreciated: If you have uniform shirts, pants, or skirts that are in good condition but no longer fit your child, please be so kind as to send them to school for our Lending Uniform Bank.